body mass index, menopausal status, history of parity, hormone replacement therapy, breast parenchymal pattern (according to Wolfe's classification), family history of breast cancer, mass size and number of samples. Ultrasound
Body mass index ACC: The Asia Cohort Consortium ICD-O: The International Classification of Diseases for Oncology ICD-10: The International Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems, 10th Revision HR: Hazard ratio CI: Confidence interval HRT: Hormone replacement therapy ER: Estrog...
The close-to parallel lines exhibited between successive birth cohorts and periods of diagnosis convey little with regards the relative importance of cohort and period curvature, although there is a point of deflection downwards across all ages in the period 1996 – 2000 (except 45 – 49 year ...
The entire database (2008–2021) was queried for the following two International Classification of Diseases (ICD) clinical modification (CM) diagnoses: ICD-9-CM 611.83 (“Capsular contracture of breast implant”) and ICD-10-CM T85.44 (“Capsular contracture of breast implant”). Patients who ...
Occasionally, the stromal fibrosis dominates and causes a palpable mass or density on imaging (Fig. 6-1). Differential Diagnosis The fibrosis associated with fibrocystic changes can overlap with any proliferation described in this chapter as well as sclerosed papillomas, fibroadenomas, and invasive ...
In Brazil’s public healthcare system, some studies show the impact of the pandemic in reducing breast biopsies and increasing advanced breast cancer stages at diagnosis [21, 22]. On the other hand, this information is not available in the private healthcare system dataset used in our study ...
index and survival after breast cancer diagnosis in Japanese women Masaaki Kawai1,4*, Yuko Minami1†, Yoshikazu Nishino2†, Kayoko Fukamachi3†, Noriaki Ohuchi4† and Yoichiro Kakugawa3† Abstract Background: Body mass index (BMI) may be an important factor affecting breast cancer ...
Gynecomastia has been classified into 2 types. In Type I (idiopathic) gynecomastia, the adolescent presents with a tender, firm mass beneath the areola. Most cases of type I gynecomastia are unilateral, and 20 % of cases are bilateral. Type II gynecomastia is more generalized breast enlargement...
22 We used the AHRQ’s International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) algorithm to create a summary score for 38 comorbidities in the Elixhauser comorbidity indicator, using the previous year claims.20 We categorized the number of comorbidities ...
The women were aged 20 to 50 years when the first diagnosis was made. Breast cancer was defined by 1 of the following ICD-10 diagnostic codes as the primary diagnosis: C50.X (malignant neoplasm of the breast), D05.X (carcinoma in situ of the breast), or D48.6 (neoplasm of uncertain ...