Breast Implant Removal This surgery is performed to remove implants previously placed during a breast augmentation. Patients may choose to move forward with breast implant removal for a variety of reasons, including a desire to be smaller in size or implant-related complications, such as rupture/lea...
However, our study has the substantial advantages of being population-based, being large, having a long follow-up (median, 12.4 years), and including information on implant type and the implant removal and replacement. It is thus well suited to address public health concerns regarding the long-...
I must prepare for at least one more operation to remove the expander, insert the implant and “adjust” the other breast. Having had several expansions, I am convinced that small is beautiful, not to mention comfortable. As of June 2008, I had completed 15 of the 16 doses of ...
FDA clears 3rd silicone-gel breast implant for USMATTHEW PERRONE
Ex-head of French breast implant maker arrestedJAMEY KEATEN