To make a full confession. The wordbreasthere is a synonym for “heart,” long considered the seat of private emotion and, by extension, secrets. Shakespeare referred to cleansing one’s bosom inMacbeth(5.3). The current cliché dates from the early eighteenth century. ...
one of the two, usually rudimentary, mammary glands and overlying nipples of the male. Synonym(s): mamma masculina [TA], mamma virilis Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the we...
Synonym(s):mamma[TA] ,teat(2) . [A.S.breōst] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 Patient discussion about breast Q. how to avoid breast cancer?i heard that wearing bras when sleeping causes breast cancer and i've been doing this for the past 2 ...
Kālidāsa mentions kurpasika, another form of breastband that is synonymized with uttarasanga and stanapatta by him. Innerwears...- family Eurylaimidae. A small, distinctive species, it has a black head, breastband, and upperparts, a white neckband, yellow streaking on the back and wings...
accessory breast (redirected fromSupernumerary breast) ac·ces·so·ry breast [TA] a milk-secreting gland located elsewhere than at the normal place on the front of the chest and existing in addition to the two usual mammae. Synonym(s):mamma accessoria[TA],supernumerary breast,supernumerary mam...
Definition of breastbone noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Twitter Google Share on Facebook sus·pen·so·ry lig·a·ments of breast [TA] well-developed retinacula cutis that extend from the fibrous stroma of the mammary gland to the overlying skin. Synonym(s):ligamenta suspensoria mammaria[TA],retinaculum cutis mammae☆ ,suspensory retinaculum of ...
Synonym Breast Carcinoma Definition Breast cancer (breast carcinoma) is the most frequent cancer of women. It is a group of malignant epithelial tumors that develop in the mammary gland and subsequently metastasize to regional lymph nodes and to distant organs, ultimately leading to the death of ...
make a clean breast of :Definition, Usages, News and More make a clean breast of vadmit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error Synonym(s) own up fess up Bee Dictionary:Search, browse, look at common errors, idioms and more.
Synonym Breast Carcinoma Definition Breast cancer (breast carcinoma) is the most frequent cancer of women. It is a group of malignant epithelial tumors that develop in the mammary gland and subsequently metastasize to regional lymph nodes and to distant organs, ultimately leading to the death of th...