Both groups had similar mean age, mean tumor (invasive and DCIS) size, histologic grade distribution, presence of lympho-vascular invasion, and extensive intra-ductal component, nodal status, and hormone receptor and HER2 status. Compared to WLE, patients who underwent RSLE had significantly lower ...
Patients are assigned to categories based upon their pre-test probability of having a BRCA mutation, with a less than 10 % probability considered as low-risk, a 10 to 25 % probability considered as moderate risk, and a greater than 25 % probability being considered as high-risk (USPSTF, 20...
As with the Cancer Registry, we identified participants with a principal inpatient diagnosis of invasive breast cancer using ICD-10-AM codes C50.0-C50.9. Suspected cases flagged by inpatient diagnosis were defined as true positives if they occurred within three months of the Cancer Registry date ...
A breast cancer was considered as carcinoma in situ (lobular carcinoma in situ, LCIS; ductal carcinoma in situ, DCIS) or invasive breast cancer (ICD-10 C50). A screening examination was considered negative if the women were not recalled for further assessment, while a negative screening outcome...
The number of new cases of, and deaths from, primary invasive cancers of the female breast (International Classification of Diseases tenth revision (ICD-10) C50) were extracted from the GLOBOCAN 2020 database for 185 countries or territories, by sex and 18 age groups (0–4, 5–9, …, 80...
All in situ or invasive breast cancer derives from terminal tubulobular units; when the tumor is present only in the ducts or lobules in situ, it is called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)/lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). The biggest risk factors are age, mutations in breast cancer genes...
DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; TNBC, triple-negative breast cancer; AEs, adverse events; SoC, standard of care; ORR, objective response rate; CNS, central nervous system; PFS, progression-free survival; DFS, disease-free survival; pCR, pathologic complete response; IV, intravenous; LNs, lymph...
In total, 8 of 14 (57%) patients had an underlying malignancy; two of seven patients with ND alone had DCIS (median interval from onset of ND to presentation 3 weeks, range 2–4 weeks), and six of seven patients with ND and a palpable mass had invasive disease (median interval ...
signalling induces and accelerates mammary tumour formation [33,34,35,36,37,38]. A role for Notch signalling in tumour–stroma interaction was recently revealed in breast ductal cell carcinoma in situ (DCIS) [39], and blocking of Notch signalling led to reduced growth of DCIS tumour spheres ...
VNPI comprehensively considers four aspects of DCIS: tumor size, patient age, surgical margin, and tumor cell nuclear grade. On each aspect, a score (1= best; 3 = worst) is obtained, from which the total score (4= best; 12 = worst) is obtained. Patients with a VNPI score of 10-12...