Kibil et al (2013) evaluated the value of the mammography-guided and ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted core biopsy in the diagnosis and treatment of intra-ductal papillomas of breast and answered the question if Mammotome biopsy allows avoidance of surgery in these patients. In the period 2000 to...
If there are any suspicious features on imaging, the diagnosis of PASH on a core biopsy should not be accepted as a final diagnosis, and excisional biopsy should be performed. However, in the absence of suspicious imaging characteristics, a diagnosis of PASH at core biopsy is considered suffici...
Complex cysts have internal septations, debris, or solid components and may require core needle biopsy if stability cannot be documented. The fluid aspirated from a large cyst is typically straw colored, dark brown, or green, depending on the chronicity of the cyst. Women with a clinical ...
Likewise, data on tumor biology (estrogen receptor [ER] and progesterone receptor [PR] status, Erb-B2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 [ERBB2] amplification, and proliferation) were based on the pretreatment core biopsy and on the tumor specimen, respectively. Tumor size (T) was categorized into T1...
Biopsies with fine-needle aspiration, core biopsy (stereotactic, ultrasonographic guided, or other), incision, or excision (with or without needle localization) were coded using Current Procedural Terminology and International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification codes. Mammograms...
(Notch ICD) through cleavage (site 3 (S3) cleavage) conducted by theγ-secretase complex (see Fig.1A for a schematic depiction of Notch receptor signalling). Upon translocation to the cell nucleus, Notch ICD forms a trimeric complex with MAML and the DNA-binding protein CSL (a.k.a. RBPJ...
A microarray was constructed from commercial antigens and antigens selected from screened cDNA libraries of breast cancer tissue samples. A training set containing 439 healthy controls and 276 biopsy proven breast cancer cases was used to establish a set of separating models between the two groups....
If conditions permit, image-guided minimally invasive biopsy (core-needle biopsy or vacuum-assisted biopsy) should be actively adopted before surgery. Otherwise, direct image-guided wire-localized surgical biopsy can be considered. Level of evidence: intermediate; level of recommendation: recommended. 5....
7.Application of Stereotactic Core Needle Biopsy in Diagnosis of Breast Disease;立体定位核芯针活检在乳腺疾病诊断中的应用研究 8.Evaluation of the Blood Flow Grade and the Resistance Index Shown by CDFI in Diagnosing Breast DiseasesCDFI血流分级及动脉阻力指数在乳腺疾病诊断中的应用价值研究 9.Diagnostic ...
ICD: Intra-cellular domain IFN-γ: Interferon gamma IgG: Immunoglobulin G IHC: Immunohistochemistry LPBC: Lymphocyte-predominant breast cancer mAb: Monoclonal antibody NGS: Next-generation sequencing NK: Natural killer OR: Objective response ORRs: Objective response rates OS: Overall surv...