CNM Last year, some marketers of baby foods exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to promote their products by invoking unfounded fears that breastfeeding could transmit COVID-19. WHO and UNICEF guidance is clear: mothers suspected or known to have COVID-19 should continue breastfeeding. In 1981, h...
Your Life: Thinking Pink for Cancer Research; OCTOBER Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and This Year There Are More Ways Than Ever to Help Raise Money for the Cause. KAREN HAMBRIDGE Reports
I’m forever amazed that I’ve been able to turn my cancer experience into multiple lemon martinis (not a fan of lemonade). I was hit hard by financial toxicity post-cancer that has taken years to overcome – and I do mean YEARS. I had to reinvent my career which is still a work ...
Despite facing breast cancer in 2007, she continued her acting career with unshakable resilience, even filming Harry Potter during her treatments. Smith was married twice, first to actor Robert Stephens and later to playwright Beverley Cross. She had two sons, actors Chris Larkin and Toby Stephens...