Save this event: Together Against Breast Cancer 5K/10K/13.1 PHILADELPHIASave this event: Together Against Breast Cancer 5K/10K/13.1 PHILADELPHIA Together Against Breast Cancer 5K/10K/13.1 PHILADELPHIA Sat, 5 Apr, 07:30 Wiggins Waterfront Trail(Course Map will be emailed) From $37.00 T...
it’s nowhere near the colour my hair was before I shaved it off. It feels much less “me” than it did before. Fundamentally, I think it’s because I feel much less of a need to disguise the fact that I have cancer. The first time round it was temporary; my cancer was being...
My boys and I will walk tomorrow to honor all of the women (and men) who’ve ever heard those life-altering words —“You have cancer” — and who are still here with us, and we will walk to remember and pay tribute to all of the loved ones this horrible disease has taken. If y...
Did I walk the whole 60km for the Walk to End Women’s Cancers? Yes I did! I am so proud of myself and my teammates. Gosh, it was gruelling in parts but then so is having cancer and it was much easier to do that walk than everything I’ve had to endure over the last year...
Now I realize that not all of you run your mouth on a WordPress blog or frequent the Playboy Mansion, but there are other ways to sneak in topic triggers. Do you volunteer with any high-risk breast cancer groups or participate in charity walks for breast cancer? Those are hobbies to dis...
Same with a cancer diagnosis. I would finally find sleep but would wake up during the night to pee, and on that five-foot walk to the bathroom, I would suddenly remember, “Oh my god, I have cancer, I have cancer!” And the grief, and the agony and the spin would start anew. ...
There is a support group for breast cancer patients who volunteer to help those recently diagnosed, and you can be matched with a volunteer who has the same type of breast cancer. “Can you at least pair me up with someone with the volunteer support group?” I asked Pamela. “No,” Pam...
I should probably insert here – no matter how dark or paralyzing the cancer or the treatment side effects have been I have had the joy of quite literally bathing in light showered upon me from friends and cousins near and far. They’ve lifted me up on their shoulders (picturing Rudy here...
List of famous people who died of breast cancer, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list of celebrities who died from breast cancer ...
Save this event: Together Against Breast Cancer 5K/10K/13.1 SACRAMENTOSave this event: Together Against Breast Cancer 5K/10K/13.1 SACRAMENTO Together Against Breast Cancer 5K/10K/13.1 SACRAMENTO Sat, 1 Feb, 07:30 Sutter's Landing Park (Course Map will be emailed) From $41.32 The Best Races...