Scientists find new breast cancer gene.(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)Marchione, Marilynn
Study finds older women with breast cancer could forgo radiation.(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)Fauber, John
New drug may protect longer against breast cancer.(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)Marchione, Marilynn
Study: Short-term hormone use increases breast cancer risk.(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)Marchione, Marilynn
Aspirin, ibuprofen may cut breast cancer risk, study says.(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)Marchione, Marilynn
Study finds chemicals from deodorants in breast cancer tumors.(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)Marchione, Marilynn
Conventional US and SE were performed with the Aplio i900 system (Canon Medical systems Corporation, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan) equipped with a 18LX5 line array probe, and CEUS was performed with the LOGIQ E9 (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) equipped with a 9L probe. SonoVue (Bracco, Mi...
Purpose: Breast cancer patients in treatment suffer from long-term side effects that seriously influence their physical and mental health. The aim of this study was to examine effectiveness of a 12-week multicomponent exercise (ME) with remote guidance intervention on health-related outcomes after on...