This paper has proposed a medical expert system named Transparent Decision Support System for Breast Cancer (TDSSBC) to manage BC by evaluating the Major Risk factors. The proposed TDSSBC has taken the property of the white-box NN method named "Rule Extraction from Neural Network (NN) applying...
Beautiful shiny pink ribbon symbolizing breast cancer awareness. Moral support. dabarti Young Pregnant Woman in Pajamas Sitting on Bed and Examining Her Breast for Cancer kryzhov Smiling Doctor Showing Pink Ribbon Symbol of Breast Cancer on White Background ModelRepublique Two Women Holding Pink Ribbon...
Female Doctor Holding Pink Ribbon, International Breast Cancer Awareness Symbol chipleader A Man Takes a Red Velvet Gift Box From His Breast Pocket Hands It to the Woman A Woman Opens a Box KinoMaster Take a close-up video of an Asian female doctor making a heart shape for breast cancer. ...
Pink Ribbon (Safety Pin & Clip 2-Way), 50 Pieces, Pink Ribbon Exercise, Promotes Early Medical Examination for Breast Cancer Examinations, World ... pink ribbon - breast cancer awareness symbol. Artistic grunge ... World Cancer Day - Pink ribbon symbolizes breast cancer awareness ... Pink Ri...
industry and the general public. Leibniz institutions collaborate intensively with universities - including in the form of Leibniz ScienceCampi - as well as with industry and other partners at home and abroad. They are subject to a transparent, independent evaluation procedure. B...
Each cell is represented by a red symbol. A Mann-Whitney test was used to calculate the P values shown on the graph (n = 3 experiments; **p = 0.0016, ***p = 0.0001). (B) phosphorylation of Cells AKT waterreesliedfut eusnTtrheraetoednionret3re0a8te(pdT...
Large language models (LLM) show potential for decision support in breast cancer care. Their use in clinical care is currently prohibited by lack of control over sources used for decision-making, explainability of the decision-making process and health data security issues. Recent development of ...
562 Transparent Plastic Device; a New Tool for Near Infrared Guided Indocyanine Green Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancerdoi:10.1016/S0959-8049(12)70627-5K. Polom and D. Murawa and Y.S. RhoEuropean Journal of Cancer
as well as significantly induced cell apoptosis in Her-2 cancer cells compared with normal cells (non-transformed BAEC). Further, Au-Col-BB also demonstrated better anti-cancer capacity for inhibiting cell growth in Her-2 tumor-bearing mice. In brief, we confirmed that the Au-Col-BB nanocarri...
breast cancer;quercetin;curcumin;hemocompatibility;cytotoxicity;cellular uptake 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Materials Quercetin (MW: 320.23 g/mol) and curcumin (MW: 368.38 g/mol) were obtained from Loba chemicals, Bangalore, India as free gift sample. Kamani Oil Industries Ltd., Mumbai, India ...