Cancer is not sexy. Cancer is not sassy. I may be, but cancer is not. Why should my body be used like this? To sell a product, to sell an idea? And what do these messages mean for those of us whose “ta-tas” couldn’t be saved? If boobs are sexy, what am I if I have...
although suffering some side effects leftover from treatment, as we all do. She was saddened to hear about my turn with mets, of course. I know she has fears that she'll end up like me, as all cancer patients do. I hope that she does not. ...
DR DeFUSCO: And I’d just make the point that if there were to be another progression, you’d probably want to biopsy it, because I have a woman who has also bilateral breast cancer and ovarian cancer. And she’s got liver mets that are ovarian carcinoma and a skin metastasis that’...
Beast cancer boob appearance - dimpling- Retracted nipple- Skin color changes- Edema- Orange peel skin texture- Lumps- Nipple discharge- Usually 1 breast affected (unilateral)- fixation: asymmetry, distortion, decreased mobility Treatment for breast cancer Biopsy, lumpectomy, mastectomy, lymph nodes ...
I was inspired to investigate the peculiar phenomenon of chest-only imaging in patients with only bone mets after a relative of mine – who has BC bone mets – said that every three months, she undergoes only a chest scan. Knowing that breast cancer can migrate to the brain, I asked, “...
ContextPhysical activity has been shown to decrease the incidence of breast cancer, but the effect on recurrence or survival after a breast cancer
Exam 3 - Cancer 111個詞語 tbluvol23 預覽 Med Sheets: Cellular Regulation 21個詞語 peytonmahlmann 預覽 DRUG THERAPY FOR NAUSEA AND VOMITING 26個詞語 Sarah_Buckeye1 預覽 Neoplasms/Encephalopathies/ID 46個詞語 kaseypearson99 預覽 本學習集中的詞語(32) most common non-skin malignancy in women carc...
Despite having metastatic, Stage IV, breast cancer, Ann Silberman, writes a humorous cancer blog while detailing treatments such as mastectomy, herceptin, reconstruction, surgeries and continuous chemotherapy
5 years passed, and I went to my “cure” date mammogram confident that all was well. It wasn’t. The cancer had returned to the same breast and as I had radiation the first time, the only option left was a mastectomy and 9 months of chemotherapy. ...
- widespread can be extensive cancer- more likely malignant than benign Malignant FeatureLymph Nodes - enlarged, rounded, bulky, lobulated, irregular- hilum displaced or not echogenic- axilla most common site for LN mets- first affected node = sentinel node Malignant FeatureSkin Thickening- focal ...