Breast cancer histological grade is associated with estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 expressionbevacizumabmetastatic breast cancerVEGFchemotherapyVascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibition is a rational therapeutic approach in breast cancer because VEGF plays an important...
在作者的研究中,共有951例病例,其中一例由于失去随访信息而被排除在生存分析之外。使用950例病例进行边缘状态的单变量生存模型显示,阳性边缘与PFI(p < 0.001)和OS(p = 0.006)作为终点的生存率显著相关(图1)。除了边缘状态外,分期、TNM、PAM50亚型和激素受体(雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR))状态与疾病进展显...
MG mammography, CC craniocaudal, MLO mediolateral oblique, US ultrasound, IHC immunohistochemistry, ER estrogen receptor, PR progesterone receptor, HER2 human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, SISH silver-enhanced in situ hybridization. Full size image Table 1 Characteristics of breast cancer cases in...
This work explores whether a deep-learning algorithm can learn objective histologic H&E features that predict the clinical subtypes of breast cancer, as assessed by immunostaining for estrogen, progesterone, and Her2 receptors (ER/PR/Her2). Translating deep learning to this and related problems in ...
Breast cancer is a group of highly heterogeneous disease encompassing a number of distinct biological entities with specific pathologic features and biological behavior. This heterogeneity cannot be explained only by traditional clinical parameters such as tumor size,lymph node involvement,histological grade,...
Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)(小叶原位癌), is a marker for an increased risk of invasive cancer in the same or both breasts(它是一个向一侧或双侧乳房呈侵袭性癌进展的危急标志). ;Comedocarcinoma(粉刺癌)(隶属非浸润性癌中的导管内原位癌(DCIS)) high grade malignant([m?”l?gn?nt]) cells...
PR,p53 and C-erbB-2 had no statistically significant in different age,tumor size,tumor stage and groups with or without lymph node metastasis.Conclusions Over expressions of ER,PR,p53 and C-erbB-2 are found in breast cancer tissue,the expression of ER correlates with tumor size and ...
aCorrelation between ER, PR, HER-2, Bcl-2, p53, proliferative and apoptotic indexes with HER-2 gene amplification and TOP2A gene amplification and deletion in four molecular subtypes of breast cancer. ER之间的交互作用、PR、HER-2、Bcl-2、p53、proliferative和apoptotic索引以HER-2基因放大作用和TOP2A...
(RFQ-PCR)was used to detect BRMS1 mRNA in breast tissue.BRMS1 gene expression was presented as the ratio of BRMS1 mRNA to GAPDH mRNA.ER and PR were detected with immunohistochemical assay.Results The expression level of BRMS1 was significantly lower in breast cancer tissue than that of the...
breast cancer diagnosis; neural networks; image pre-processing; imaging modalities 1. Introduction The most commonly occurring cancer in women is breast cancer (BrC). As claimed by the World Health Organization (WHO), BrC was diagnosed in 2.3 million women, and 685,000 deaths were recorded ...