I’ve asked this before, but how the hell could this help anyone with breast cancer and how could it assist with finding a cure or even raising awareness of breast cancer. If you ask me, these provocative photos and poses do raise awareness of something, but certainly not breast cancer. ...
And it’s not just things knocking me down, it’s a busy life along with the hard stuff. In this way I feel like I’m climbing a mountain with many peaks. I know, I was just comparing my mental state to slippery slopes but when it comes to cancer treatment and life as a whole,...
It always makes me wonder why some people survive and other people do not. Is there still more that we survivors are supposed to do? Is just writing this blog and spreading my message my purpose? To help the next woman who will face breast cancer? I don’t know but I guess we aren...
There is a support group for breast cancer patients who volunteer to help those recently diagnosed, and you can be matched with a volunteer who has the same type of breast cancer. “Can you at least pair me up with someone with the volunteer support group?” I asked Pamela. “No,” Pam...