The development of new chemotherapeutic therapies has led to an increase in treatment options for metastatic breast cancer. Using different types of agents in combination has resulted in anti-tumour activity that is greater than can be achieved with single-agent therapy, and has contributed to an ...
cancer, in teaching exists great difficulty. How to let the students learn the clinical symptoms and treatment of valuable study in the limited time, become an important problem in clinicalteaching. K y words:Breast cancer; Teaching methods; Group discussion ...
Purpose: prospective, exploratory, and longitudinal 7-year study of talking groups involving 36 female breast-cancer patients at different stages of the disease. This research investigates the role played by the life experience of cancer in the evolution of the disease. Method: two supportive express...
METHODS: Women with stage I, II, or III breast cancer (n = 312) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 group conditions: control, education, peer discussion, or education plus peer discussion (combination). Seven groups (each comprising 8-12 women) were conducted in each of the 4 conditions ...
The Rat as an Animal Model in Breast Cancer Research, Boston: Martinus Nijhffo Publishers, 1984. p. 215-217.Van Zwieten, M. J. (1984). General discussion, including brief review of animal models in breast cancer research: the dog. In:The Rat as an Animal Model in Breast Cancer ...
Discussion To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the needs and experiences of Iranian BCSs. The most important finding of this study was the patients’ experience with financial problems. Most patients had financial problems associated with cancer care services (e.g....
Ohuchi N, Suzuki A, Sobue T, et al; J-START Investigator Groups. Sensitivity and specificity of mammography and adjunctive ultrasonography to screen for breast cancer in the Japan Strategic Anti-cancer Randomized Trial (J-START): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2016;387...
Patients reported on use of internet-based support groups (1- to 5-point scale: 1, almost never; 2, rarely; 3, sometimes; 4, often; and 5, almost always). The SEER registries provided age (years), cancer stage (I, II), cancer grade (1-3), and biomarkers, including ...
The number of different occupational groups reported by team members as leading team discussion positively predicted team processes and team effectiveness. This dispersed leadership predicted participa- tion, concern for quality and reflexivity, self-rated innovation, and overall effectiveness. Lack of ...
The variation in the proportion of each grade reported in the different studies can be explained by the variation in the grading system used and the difference in the patient cohorts, including age distribution, symptomatic versus screening population, early versus advanced breast cancer groups, and ...