and age-standardized BC incidence and mortality rates, age distribution of cases, proportions of stage, and molecular subtypes were calculated for women aged 20+, by race/ethnicity, using 2006 and 2011 Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort databases of linked census, cancer, and death data...
【真题例句】Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect. 其他的可以辨认出的攻击行为的原因还包括:青少年在学校里形成的挫败感或学习不及格、年轻人越来越容...
Breast cancer risk: The risk for developing breast cancer by age 70 is 57% for BRCA1 carriers and 49% for BRCA2 carriers. This is compared with 7% for the general population. The risk for developing both breast and ovarian cancer is 12.7% for BRCA1 carriers and 6.8% for BRCA2 carriers...
With breast cancer, your focus will be on getting the right treatment. You'll also wonder about your chances of surviving. Breast Cancer in Young Women Under 7% of all breast cancer cases happen in women under 40. But it can happen at any age. ...
Another way to look at 5-year relative survival rate is by putting together age and stage. Age at the time of diagnosis is broken into two groups: people under 50 and those 50 and older. These numbers are: Localized breast cancer: stage IA (pronounced “stage 1-A”), some IIA (“sta...
In 2016, 21-year-old Jessica Florence found a lump in her right breast. The architectural student at Florida A&M University soon found out that she had stage 3 breast cancer. Despite treatment, her disease later turned into stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. By age 28, the cancer had sprea...
This guideline updates the American Cancer Society breast cancer screening recommendations for women at average risk for breast cancer.
乳腺癌的症状(Symptoms of breast cancer) 肿块,位于乳房或者腋窝。 乳房形状或者大小的改变 乳头的改变(内陷) 乳头溢液(透明液体或者血性液体) 皮肤的改变(包括发红,炎症) 橘皮症(皮肤凹陷) 乳腺癌的危险因素(Risk factors) 年龄增...
Aging-related cancer incidence remains not fully understood. Here, the authors depict a progressive process of senescence in murine mammary stem cells at single-cell resolution, which is governed by the transcription factor Bcl11b and associated with enhanced chemical-induced tumorigenesis in aged mice...
Breast cancer, disease characterized by the growth of malignant cells in the mammary glands. Breast cancer can strike males and females, although women are about 100 times more likely to develop the disease than men. Most cancers in female breasts form s