“It is deeply reassuring when you are not being treated like you are made of glass or like you are going to die,” she said. “It’s lovely to be able to laugh or tease each other or talk about regular life stuff without always having to think about cancer.” Elam intuitively knew ...
Lori Bergamotto highlights beauty, flowers, bracelets, sweaters and socks that also give back to thrivers.
carmakers, Facebook pages and other media messages are tagged with “breast cancer awareness.” They want you to buy stuff and do stufffor the cause. They want to take your money, later donate some of it, and not tell you how they use the funds. Some call this “Pink-Washing.” ...
I don’t understand how women of any age can be ok with this stuff, men either for that matter, but women, come on. Thanks for your perspective. Reply Pink Ribbon Blues October 18, 2011 at 11:28 PM Yes, where IS the feminist perspective in breast cancer awareness activities? It’s ...
An estimated 182,460 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to occur among women in the United States during 2008. An estimated 40,480 women will die from breast cancer. Breast cancer is the second deadliest cancer in women (behind lung cancer)
That door led to something I didn’t expect: I read the doctor’s October 2012 post about Breast Cancer Awareness. He started with an excellent point: how many of us aren’t really aware of breast cancer? It’s as if breast cancer exists in October and during the other months, I gues...
Breast cancer awareness and early detection will take center stage today at Penske locations across the globe as more than 25,000 associates take part in the seventh annual Penske Pink Out.
10. Breast cancer support is amazing and the connections you make with other women are incredible. 11. I am still not sweating the small stuff. It really doesn’t matter. 12. Good health, happiness and friendship are the most valuable things to me. I have a card from my aunt Lisa on...
Molly’s company,Just Nips, aims their marketing squarely at young women with cheeky taglines like “Boners for her” and “Look cold, feel hot” and content pushing at the edges of social media policies. “For a while, a lot of our stuff was being flagged,” Molly says. ...
I actually haven’t written a thing about Cancer since my last post in October last year! Not a thing. I tried a bit, and the stuff just wouldn’t come. It was like somehow I’d lost my blogging mojo. I’d run out of words. ...