The journal's focus spans across various disciplines including surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, endocrinology, epidemiology, immunology and cell biology. Provides an international platform for the discussion and resolution of ongoing controversies in breast cancer treatment. ...
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon, radiotherapist, medical oncologist, endocrinologist, epidemiologist, immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. The journal creates a "market place" for breast cancer topics which cuts ...
Journal Title:Breast Cancer Research And Treatment Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon, radiotherapist, medical oncologist, endocrinologist, epidemiologist, immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. The journal creates a "mark...
国际简称:BREAST CANCER RES TR 出版国家或地区:UNITED STATES 研究方向:医学 - 肿瘤学 是否预警:否 创刊时间:1981 H-index:139 出版周期:Semimonthly 出版语言:English 年发文量:328 文章自引率:0.02... 投稿咨询加急服务 期刊简介 乳腺癌研究和治疗(Breast Cancer Research And Treatment)是一本由Springer US出...
根据官方网站信息,"BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT"期刊从提交论文至初次决定的时间为:13天。 10、版面费 "BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT"是开放获取(OA)期刊,版面费为£2590.00/$3990.00/€3090.00。 11、网址信息 期刊官网: ...
BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT 期刊简介 英文简介: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon radiotherapist medical oncologist endocrinologist epidemiologist immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. The journal creates a 'market...
《乳腺癌研究和治疗》(Breast Cancer Research And Treatment)是一本以医学-肿瘤学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Springer US出版商创刊于1981年,刊期Semimonthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦医学-肿瘤学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术...
案例一:最新一期国人发表的论著“NSDHL promotes triple-negative breast cancer metastasis through the TGFβ signaling pathway and cholesterol biosynthesis” 2021.1.28投稿,2021.3.27录用,2021.4.16发表,从投稿到录用用时2月,从投稿到发表用时2.6月。
国际标准简称:BREAST CANCER RES TR 人气708 《Breast Cancer Research And Treatment》是一本专注于ONCOLOGY领域的English学术期刊,创刊于1981年,由Springer US出版商出版,出版周期Semimonthly。该刊发文范围涵盖ONCOLOGY等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外ONCOLOGY工作者在该领域的科学研究等工作中取得的经验、科研成...
BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT 期刊简介 英文简介: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon radiotherapist medical oncologist endocrinologist epidemiologist immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. The journal creates a 'market...