Around half of women choose to have a reconstructive procedure after breast cancer surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. [3] Others opt not to have this additional surgery, choosing instead to “go flat.” [4] It’s important to discuss reconstruction with your breast...
In some cases, you may need more surgery after apartial mastectomy. Sometimes, if cancer cells are still in breast tissue, your doctor may have to remove the entire breast. What Is a Radical Mastectomy? A radical mastectomy is the complete removal of the breast. The surgeon also removes the...
STEF, BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR CONT ask them practical questions. What type of bras should you have after surgery? Can you use deodorant? Can you take a shower? Load up on some button-up pajamas because typically you're going to have drains coming out of your armpits. And with that, it ...
What No Brochure Says to Expect after Breast Cancer Surgery
It would be tempting to gaze into a crystal ball, read tea leaves, or study the surface anatomy of one's palm as a way to foresee what the state-of-the-art concerning breast cancer will be 15 years hence. I have had no training or experience in fortune-telling, so I prefer to lean...
When a woman receives a breast cancer diagnosis, she may have many questions about her immediate future—the stage of the disease, what treatment she'll receive, where it will happen.
Breast cancer is a tumor that starts in the breast tissue and can occur in different forms. Learn more about breast cancer and the importance of early detection. Reviewed by a board-certified oncologist.
Breast cancer treatment usually starts with making sure the diagnosis is correct and complete. First Private consultation is aimed at knowing you and understand your concerns in detail.
What may healthcare providers recommend to help me prevent breast and ovarian cancer? Surgery is the most effective way to prevent breast and ovarian cancers.Talk with your family and your healthcare providers about all the risks and benefits of surgery. Surgery can be overwhelming and scary. Yo...
"I tell [pregnant people] that their breasts will probably bounce back to what they looked like before but that it may take a few months," explained Dr. Wider. 8 Possible Ways Your Body Might Permanently Change After Pregnancy Breast Cancer ...