In one scene Barry actually walks straight into the glass door. Earlier scenes show Barry’s frustration build to such a crescendo that the only way he knows to deal with it is through physical violence, hence the breaking of sliding glass windows at the family get together (fig.8; also ...
The woke left has fully embraced the same kind of rhetoric and polemic as national socialists when it comes to the Jewish people. That’s an existential threat to me as a Jew. common application of antisemitism among white supremacists, ethnonationalists, national socialists et al., the ...
allegedly because she asked to be removed. Just like, as you might recall, Gore asked the Supreme Court to decide against him. Before this little bit of Florida-style election rigging, Ms. Shaidle hadalmost 2000 votesand more than 70% of the votes cast. Sure, sure, of course she just...