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ABC News, Jason Redmond/AFP, Getty What the data says about Trump's deportation programs Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Why congressional Republicans aren't standing up to Trump ABC News, Julien Behal Photography Pool, AP Photo/Ben Curtis Trump has already issued (and revoked) a record number of execu...
India Covid: Delhi builds makeshift funeral pyres as deaths climb – BBC News Pixar’s next animated short expands the complex world of Soul – The Verge Miami trades Ereck Flowers to Washington – NBC Sports Video shows police officers laughing at footage of arrest in which they allegedly inju...
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BREAKING NEWS FROM MOYALE, DAWA ZONE, APRIL 22, 2017 ON FRIDAY APRIL 21, 2017, the Borana criminal gang ambushed and murdered Mr. Abdulahi Mohamed Somo near El Gof, Moyale district, Dawa Zone. He was buried today on April 22, 2017. So far, this is the third victim in less than two...