Local News FromSeattle 0:16 Seattle police seek suspect in unprovoked shooting of mini mart employee 5:55 ARC Seattle on the Road: The people who make Seattle's Central District 2:15 Surveillance footage leads to arrest of man suspected of Everett arson 0:46 Man who threatened to kill poli...
GeekWire is a fast-growing, national technology news site with strong roots in the Seattle region and a large audience of loyal, tech-savvy readers around the globe, who follow the site for breaking news, expert analysis and unique insights into the tech
Tiger's been hurt alot: None of us know the truth on this question, but I imagine many of us have impressions/opinions: how much do you see Tiger's injuries as bad luck vs. being self-inflicted? [Note: let's not turn this into a debate on the rumors of PEDs. Yes, the rumors e...
KOMO 4 TV provides news, sports, weather and local event coverage in the Seattle, Washington area including Bellevue, Redmond, Renton, Kent, Tacoma, Bremerton, SeaTac, Auburn, Mercer Island, Bothell, Shoreline, Lynnwood, Mill Creek and Everett.
epartmentwantstohavethemostadvancedweaponsintheworld.Itwa ntsitsweaponstobebetterthanthoseofChinaandRussia.Defenseboss eswantfutureweaponstobetrustedandacceptedbymilitarygeneralsa ndcommanders.Theywanttomakesureweaponsinthefuturedonotma kemistakes.DepartmentofficialJohnEverettsaid:"Wethinkit'sagoodt imetoseedthefi...