The "harder lesson has 3 levels (4, 5 and 6). If Level 3 is difficult, try Level 2, 1 or 0. If Level 6 is difficult, try Level 5 or 4. If Level 1 is easy, try Level 2 or 3. If level 4 is easy, try Level 5. All levels have a graded news reading and listening (the...
Level 6 Slowest Your browser does not support this audio player. Slower Your browser does not support this audio player. Medium (British English) Your browser does not support this audio player. Medium (N. American English) Your browser does not support this audio player. Faster Your ...
但breakingnewsenglish.com的优势是:它更新的文章会有不同难度的版本供你选择。 相对容易的文章被分成4个级别,从Level 0到Level 3。 比较难的则被分成Level 4、Level5和Level 6。 因此,几乎任何级别的英语学生,只要他之前受到过一点点的英语教育,就可以找到好多适合他水平的有趣又有用的内容。 该网站的第二个...
Breaking News EnglishHome | Help This SiteAll 3 Graded Readings Canada to put health warnings on individual cigarettes PRINT ALL READINGS (PDF) Health Warnings - Level 4 Canada is introducing measures to discourage smoking. From August, every cigarette sold will have a warning message printed on...
其次,按照欧洲语言参考标准(以下简称CEFR) ,网站将文本分为Level 0-6共7个级别。 Level 0/1/2/3这四个级别属于Easier,Levels 4/5/6 这三个级别属于Harder。每级文章的文本长度、音频长度和练习方式详见下图。 那么,Breaking News English的各个级别的文章,分别相当于中国的哪个考试?
Level 6 MINI NEWS LESSONS This site is for ESL and EFL students wanting to learn news English. The site has English news readings and listening. There are two news lessons every week on news stories from across the world. 5,590 more English lessons ...
Digital Detox - Level 6 Digital devices are increasingly dominating our lives these days. Many, if not most of us are addicted to them. New studies emerge with alarming frequency about the dangers to our physical and mental health of being glued to our small screens. Children are not exercisi...
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Breaking News English The speed at which the Internet has transformed our lives has had an impact on the words we use. It is 20 years since the website was created. It has looked back at the past two decades to see how the Internet has created additional definitions to ...