一篇关于《Breaking Bad》各个人物的评价——个人原创 2013年9月,余初到美帝,求学于长岛石溪。不想在分子生物学课堂上牛叉闪闪的David Rubinstein教授在课前还在和Harrison等同学畅谈绝命毒师,谈笑风生,言语之间多为钦佩。由于对其故事背景了解不多,加之对第一季时Jesse的“小混混”口音颇为厌恶,再加上余当时英语听力...
和女主角Skyler相对的,男二号Jesse Pinkman才是那个拿着“傻白甜”剧本的人,他同样是一个非常非常罕见的男性角色。Jesse在每一件事情上掉链子掉得表里如一,甚至,一直到他的专属电影《续命之徒:绝命毒师电影 El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie》之中,他的掉链子能力依然发挥稳定,跟着各种大佬们混了这么久,智商...
Walter White:Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola? Walter White:Now that we're in control, no one else gets hurt. Jesse Pinkman:You keep saying that, and it's bullshit every time! Walter White:What have you got in your life? Nothing. Nobody. Oh, wait. Yes. Video...
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP)-Bronze statues of mythical methamphetamine cookers Walter White and Jesse Pinkman were installed at a convention center in Albuquerque on Friday to celebrate the "Breaking Bad" TV series and its entertainment legacy, winning applause in a city that played its own gritty sup...
如果Saul听了Mike的劝,Walter White就不会成为Heisenberg,自己也不会落入现在的田地。 2. Gene的break bad时刻。 结尾这一下破门而入,照应了本集的标题Breaking Bad,象征着Gene又一次出现了新的变化。6x10是Gene变回Jimmy,但这一次完全不是一个性质的事情——偷盗的对象是个有癌症的好人。这一回没有劫富济贫...
I'm Walter White, Jesse's friend. 我是沃尔特·怀特 杰西的朋友 Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. Hi. 对对 当然记得了 你好 Yeah. Oh, hi. Hi. 对啊 你好你好 I'm sorry to just barge in on you like this, 很抱歉这么唐突地打扰你 but, uh, I was hoping 但我希望 that I could have a mom...
Jesse Pinkman : [notices blood visible from Walt's chest, drops the gun] Then do it yourself. Walter White : Just get me home. Walter White : Just get me home... I'll do the rest. [Walter has just given Elliot and Gretchen $9.72 million in cash, to be given to Walter's ...
But we have rated this claim as "False." Neither publisher Nowa Era nor any other Polish publishing house has ever released a chemistry textbook featuring characters Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from "Breaking Bad" on its cover (the TV series is about a teacher and former student who get ...
Centered on mythical methamphetamine cookers Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, the series wrapped up more than a decade ago, but its legacy continues to draw looky-loos to the home and other associated filming spots around town. New Mexico's governor also recently tapped the Walter White character...
Centered on mythical methamphetamine cookers Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, the series wrapped up more than a decade ago, but its legacy continues to draw looky-loos to the home.