Skyler: Walter Jr. Iam sure thatyoumusthave about a million things to say, probably, and nowit'sisyour chance. Go ahead, just let it out. Walter Jr: This is bullshit... Skyler: Talk,totellyour dadandhow you feel. Walter Jr: I am pissed off. Cause you've been... You are a pu...
The focus of Vince Gilligan's drama is the moral metamorphosis of Walter White (coruscating Bryan Cranston). However, this week, Cranston was upstaged by co-star Anna Gunn (above), who plays his longsuffering wife Skyler. With that gut-wrenching phone call still fresh in the mind, where ...
Walter White:I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And... I was really... I was alive. Walter White:I won. Walter White:I am not in danger, I am the danger. Skyler White:And why did it feel so good? Walter White:Because it's illegal. ...
Bitch No.2:Skyler 微博上看到人說:現在的人,既要美國式公司福利,又要中國式鉄飯碗,卻沒有美國...
《Breaking Bad:绝命毒师》第三季以Tuco的堂兄弟复仇为主轴。 金钱的紧缺和癌症的侵袭都不再是Walter White将要面对的难解问题了,家庭的濒临破碎才是让沃尔特感到心痛的真正原因所在。 由于妻子Skyler White坚定的离婚决心,沃尔特从家中搬出,搬入了新的居所,这也为他和大毒枭Gus之间的合作创造了有利的条件。
“I will be forever grateful”: Vince Gilligan Revealed What Really Saved ‘Breaking Bad’ When Show Nearly Crashed and Burned in First Season 1/5/2025 by Nishanth A FandomWire Does ‘Drone Ryan Seacrest’ Haunt You? Was CNN’s LSD Reveal Trippy? Will Squid Game Swan Song Be Short? Spot...
如果Saul听了Mike的劝,Walter White就不会成为Heisenberg,自己也不会落入现在的田地。 2. Gene的break bad时刻。 结尾这一下破门而入,照应了本集的标题Breaking Bad,象征着Gene又一次出现了新的变化。6x10是Gene变回Jimmy,但这一次完全不是一个性质的事情——偷盗的对象是个有癌症的好人。这一回没有劫富济贫...
In season four, Walt and Skyler try to use gambling to explain how Walt has made all of his money; Skyler tries to launder money through a car wash; Hank's discovery of Gus Fring's fingerprint in Gale Boetticher's apartment is enough for DEA and Albuquerque PD to bring Gus in for an...
The scene in which Walter famously tells his wife that he is the one who knocks is considered one of the show's most famous ones. Not only because ofWalt's iconic monologuebut because it was the first time Skyler realized just who her husband had become. ...