On Breaking Bad, if you leave a tell-tale volume of Whitman in the toilet, the mistake will come back to haunt you—seasons later. If the audience sees a dose of ricin, it has the pleasurable tingle of knowing that someone will eventually wind up dying from it—which, of course, ...
Breaking BadRecap: The Whitman Hits the Fan Share WhenBreaking Badleft us before the midseason break, the question wasn’twhetherWalt would realize that brother-in-law/DEA officer Hank was onto him, butwhenthat would happen.And then, the logical follow-up: Would TVLine reimburse me for my...
Walt still hasn’t adjusted to the reality that everyone else has moved onto a whole other game. A recap of “Bullet Points,” episode four of season four of AMC’s ‘Breaking Bad.’
Plus, Walt pleads his screwed-up case, Hank inches closer to Heisenberg, and Walt Whitman saves the day. Vince Gilligancan’t give into Hollywood temptations soon enough. Prior to masterminding AMC’sBreaking Bad, Gilligan worked heavily onThe X-Files; aside from those two TV credits, though...
the decisions weren’t bad, because they were made for his family. Gus pushes Walt’s buttons easily—because they’re so easy to push—by saying a MAN will provide for his family no matter what they think of him, no matter if they don’t even know he’s doing it. Walt’s hooked...
or the nuanced, emotionally charged acting ofBryan Cranstonas Walt andAaron Paulas Jesse, who brought you 99.1 percent pure batches of Blue Sky against all odds. But let us give props to, well, the props: the inanimate objects that helped bringBadto life — and to death. (R.I.P. Gus...
Hank finds the Gale-inscribed Walt Whitman book. Walt and Jesse have a final showdown with the white supremacists. Why It's A Standout Season: The fifth and final season of Breaking Bad is often regarded as the pinnacle of the series. Walt and Jesse's alliance with the Vamanos Pest te...
Meanwhile, you’ll have to fork over at least three grand forMr. White’s copy of Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass”— complete with the inscription, “To my other favorite WW” (the crux of a critical plot development into the final stretch of the show). ...
Hank indicates that the operation must have been making hundreds of pounds of meth weekly, if not more. Hank shows a quote written by Gale dedicated an unknown 'W.W' to Walt. Walt concludes that it was addressed to Walt Whitman, whom Gale was a fan of ("Bullet Points"). ...
It took Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) a long time to figure out that the drug kingpin he'd been chasing all that time was his own brother-in-law, Walter White (Bryan Cranston), and his discovery couldn't have happened at a worse moment. InBreaking Bad's final season, Walt had gotten ...