Jesse Bruce Pinkman, also known by his clandestine pseudonym and business moniker Cap'n Cook, is a former chemist, manufacturer, and distributor who worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico, currently residing in Haines, Alaska. Originally a low-level methamphetamine dealer who worked with his friend and...
Jesse Pinkman Portrayed by Aaron PaulJerry Shiban (young Jesse) Character information Full name Jesse Bruce Pinkman ("Down") Aliases Cap'n Cook ("Pilot")Diesel ("Peekaboo", "Cornered")Captain America ("Down")Igor ("Breaking Bad")Rewindo ("Team S.C.I.E.N.C.E.")Jesse Jackson ("...
Walter poisoned Brock in season 4 ofBreaking Badbut the truth didn't come out until the following year. The character Brock Cantillo (Ian Posada) was the six-year-old son of Jesse Pinkman's girlfriend, Andrea (Emily Rios). Brock greatly admired Jesse and the two would often hang out and...
and evenBreaking Bad's Jesse Pinkman, who could properly have been called an antihero in that despite his bad actions, as there were still elements of good in him. That was not true of Walt, whose hubris and arrogance were present from the very beginning, and his abject selfishness led hi...
Italian dubbing: Jesse Pinkman (62 episodes, 2008-2013) Lynn Ambrosino ... production assistant / production staff (52 episodes, 2008-2013) Elissa Kannon ... assistant production coordinator / production coordinator (52 episodes, 2009-2013) Jason Gold ... production executive: AMC (42 epis...
6. Jesse Pinkman Media Platforms Design Team A stoner, bit-player in the ABQ meth scene who calls everyone a bitch? Not exactly the classical definition of a Romeo. But that wounded animal "don't say anything for entire episodes" act juxtaposes beautifully with his outbursts of self-assured...
The guy has committed by my count at least 8 murders (Gus, Gale, shot 2 of Gus’s cohorts before blowing up the lab, ran over two others trying to kill Jesse, poison gassed two drug dealers, one of whom he choked out with a bicycle lock), watch Jesse’s girlfriend choke on her ...
The 'Breaking Bad' sequel movie will center on Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman, who has a lot of reasons to be very concerned.
Video1 Clip 3:36 'El Camino' Cooks Up "Breaking Bad" Easter Eggs 1011Foto87 Aggiungi una foto + 81 Interpreti principali29 ModificaBryan Cranston Walter WhiteAnna Gunn Skyler White Aaron Paul Jesse Pinkman Dean Norris Hank Schrader Betsy Brandt Marie Schrader RJ Mitte Walter White, Jr....
Revenge of the Fans, for example, claims that both Breaking Bad lead Bryan Cranston and Jessica Jones‘ Krysten Ritter, who played Jesse’s girlfriend, Jane, in the show’s second season, will make appearances in El Camino. Given how both of those characters’ stories ended on Breaking Bad...