As the half-season's tagline bluntly proclaims, "All Bad Things Must Come to An End" -- so while we're not sure what exactly is going to happen to Walter White, we know the "bad" part of him is probably going to cease to exist. Whether that means the writers will kill him off ...
Breaking Badfans will have the chance to relive the series from episode one through the final episode all over again.Sundance TVwill air all five seasons on their network starting December 30, which is tonight. Read more about this special return from the press release below. SundanceTV will ...
breaking bad all 5 seasons✅完全无法抵挡的魅力神剧 让本人在这个忙成陀螺的学期依旧见缝插针的速通了… 人物 剧情 配乐 细节刻画 整体pacing甚至cinematography全部顶级 千言万语汇成一句Vince Gilligan是神 人类编剧专业天花板 主演们是神 所有人全程演技大爆发 真的是看完全五季才懂为什么能这么nb我靠 当之无...
“Breaking Bad,” produced by Sony Pictures Television, is one of the few titles Netflix offers in Ultra HD, which provides four times the resolution of standard 1080p HD and a richer color palette. Netflix last year added all 62 episodes in Ultra HD of the critically acclaimed drama starr...
Breaking Bad’s reality, however, could not be more opposite, especially when it comes to the show’s other star, 33-year-old Aaron Paul. Paul’s character, Jesse Pinkman, a former White student who becomes his partner, was originally not meant...
I would have to pay A SECOND TIME in order to download the second half of the series! My receipt says I am entitled to the entire first series of the show; so I went and illegally downloaded the rest in 1080p. I don’t care, my receipt says I’m getting series 1 so you ...