over a year ago Reviewed this property travelsOK Tulsa, Oklahoma 0 Votes It was included in our room rate. over a year ago karengidd... Vancouver, Canada 0 Votes Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I meant to ask how much they charge for the breakfast. Thank you! over a year ago R...
Dilly Diner 391 Reviews Tulsa, OK Chimera 165 Reviews Tulsa, OK All restaurants in Tulsa (1488) Been to Tally's Good Food Cafe? Share your experiences! Write a Review Add Photos & Videos Owners: What's your side of the story? Own or manage this property? Claim your...
South America Chile Biobio Region Biobio Region Hotels Family Bed and Breakfast in Biobio Region THE 10 BEST Family Bed and Breakfast in Biobio RegionFamily Bed and Breakfast in Biobio Region Everything you need for a fun family vacation in one place. Check In — / — / — Check Out ...
"As I was planning the journey, I had wanted to stay in a different city an hour or so away. But, as I checked the housing options, prices there were ridiculously high and all the reviews were unflattering for all..." "Travel from Tulsa to Pueblo and stopped here after a late start...
effects;𝑥𝑖xiand𝑥2x2are the uncoded values for linear and nonlinear effects of the independent variables;×𝑖𝑗×ijare the uncoded values for synergistic effects of the independent variables. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica ver. 10 software (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK, USA)....