Which brings up the first of this tale’s tragic, even Shakespearean twists: the fact that the Dengvaxia controversy may well bury forever a vaccine that actually works—not for everyone but for huge swaths of populations in countries where dengue is an urgent and growing public health problem....
When unfortunate things happen to us, we have the habit to immediately label that moment as bad or negative and that’s how we usually imprint and reproduce this as a memory. Sometimes things happen and after a certain time we realize that it was a blessing in disguise. If that particular...
sakuga, among countless others. However, one thing everyone can agree on is that smears are the little frames in animation that smooth things out, and speed things up. They’re the unsung heroes of cartoons; (usually) undetectable to the untrained eye, while still keeping the other frames in...
After the acquisition of Lycra, we immediately increased the construction of the three national research centers of the spinning engineering technology research center, the industrial design center and the enterprise technology center, and promoted the integration of scientific research and interoperability b...
Otherwise their idleness is resolute, even if it spells impoverishment, dishonor, and danger to life and limb. They do not fear boredom as much as work without pleasure.” 27. To stand in the midst of ... this whole marvelous uncertainty and rich ambiguity in existence without questioning, ...