Jonathan:I knew no one. And I didn't have the energyto break the icewith a bunch of new people. Anna:Asking questions is a good icebreaker. Jonathan:True. But even if Ibroke the ice, I didn't have the energy to listen. "To break the ice" me...
Break The Ice BreakingTheIce Dialogue 1.Jackie,longtimenosee,howhaveyoubeen?Jackie,很久不见,最近怎么样?2.Wow,David,whatasurprise!Ididn'texpecttoseeyouhere.Howareyouenjoyingtheconference?1.It'sfine,thanks.HaveyoumetJill?She'srecentlyjoinedusintheLondonoffice.还行。谢谢。你见过Jill吗?她刚到我们...
In order to break the ice the interviewer may ask some trivial questions about the weather or traffic.(一般在面试开头为了活跃气氛,面试官都会问一些不重要的问题,比如天气啦、怎么来的啦。) Instead of having to break the ice with someone, assume there is no ice.(与其不得不打破沉默,不如假设那...
Three Steps of Break the Ice: 1. Make a good first impression. 2. Use a good opener to start the conversation. 3. Learn how to deal with rejection. “The first impression doesn’t come from your words. It comes from your body language. Actually, scientists know that you make your fir...
12. Break the ice When people are meeting each other for the first time, someone has to break the ice, or help spark interaction and discussions in a group. Leaders of a group often prepare activities or questions, known as icebreakers, to loosen up any tension and help people get to ...
I knew no one. And I didn't have the energy to break the ice with a bunch of new people. 我谁都不认识。而且我也没有精力去打破跟一群陌生人的僵局。 Asking questions is a good icebreaker. 问问题是打破僵局的好办法。 True. But even if I broke the ice, I didn't have the energy to...
Asking questions is a good icebreaker. 问问题是打破僵局的好办法。 True. But even if I broke the ice, I didn't have the energy to listen. 确实。不过即使我打破了僵局,我也没有精力去听。 "To break the ice" means to start a conversation with someone you don't really know. ...
Askingquestionsisagoodicebreaker. 问问题是打破僵局的好办法。 True.ButevenifIbroketheice,Ididn'thavetheenergytolisten. 确实。不过即使我打破了僵局,我也没有精力去听。 "Tobreaktheice"meanstostartaconversationwithsomeoneyoudon'treallyknow. “Tobreakthei...
"Break the ice" 是一个常用的表达,指的是消除陌生感、打破尴尬气氛,使人们能够开始友好交流。"Break the ice" 这个表达的起源可以追溯到航海时代。当船只在冰冻的水域中航行时,需要使用破冰船来打破冰层,以便其他船只能够通过。这个过程为人们解决了困难和障碍,因此 "break the ice" 这个表达逐渐引申为打破...
Some common ways people "break the ice" include: Asking open-ended questions to encourage others to talk about themselves. Sharing personal anecdotes or experiences related to the situation or topic. Using humor or jokes to create a light-hearted atmosphere. ...