2. 吓出了一身冷汗 ... Get to grips 认真对待,处理Break out in a cold sweat吓出了一身冷汗Make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做 ... www.360doc.com|基于8个网页 3. 吓出一身冷汗 sweat... ... an old sweat 老兵,老手break out in a cold sweat吓出一身冷汗by the sweat of one...
沪江词库精选break out in a cold sweat是什么意思、英语单词推荐 吓出一身冷汗 相似短语 break out in a cold sweat 吓出一身冷汗 be in a cold sweat 出冷汗 in a cold sweat 捏一把冷汗, 提心吊胆地 put sb in a cold sweat 叫某人提心吊胆 cold sweat 冷汗 sweat out 发出 忍耐到底 ...
break out in a cold sweat 吓出一身冷汗相关短语 steam heat (冷凝时放出的) 蒸汽热 tail water (从建筑物的下游一端排出的水) 尾水 measles toxicity (古代指麻疹后出现的一系列病症) 疹毒 Sodium Aerofloat (汗燥粉末) 钠黑药 Waldeyer's glands (睑缘内汗腺) 瓦耳代尔氏腺 expansion coil (冷却机) ...
而是固定整体,“break out in (spots/a rash/a sweat etc)”,其意思是:突然开始出现(斑点、红疹...
2) break out in [into] a cold sweat 出一身冷汗 例句>> 3) She was in a cold sweat from fear. 她吓出一身冷汗。4) I came out in cold sweat. 我出了一身冷汗。5) be in a cold sweat from fear [fright] 吓出一身冷汗 例句>> ...
四1.Hebroke out in a cold sweat. 2.Iheard what might have been an explosion. 3.Theyhurried to the station only to find the train had left. 4.Thetraining programme takes the form of a series of workshops. 5.Shebehaved as if nothing had happened. 6.He,along with his classmates, take...
1) break out in [into] a cold sweat 出一身冷汗 例句>> 2) She was in a cold sweat from fear. 她吓出一身冷汗。 3) I came out in cold sweat. 我出了一身冷汗。 4) be in a cold sweat from fear [fright] 吓出一身冷汗
“break into a cold sweat”的意思是“突然开始冒冷汗”,这通常是个体在遭遇极度紧张、害怕、焦虑或身体不适等强烈情绪或生理反应时的一种表现。以下是对该短语的详细解释: 一、含义与用法 “break into a cold sweat”是一个英语短语,直译为“突然冒出冷汗”。它形象地...
四1.Hebroke out in a cold sweat. 2.Iheard what might have been an explosion. 3.Theyhurried to the station only to find the train had left. 4.Thetraining programme takes the form of a series of workshops. 5.Shebehaved as if nothing had happened. 6.He,along with his classmates, take...
break out in a cold sweat Lit.orFig.to become frightened or anxious and begin to sweat.I was so frightened, I broke out in a cold sweat.Larry broke out in a cold sweat when he cut his hand. See also:break,cold,out,sweat McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. ...