Retention element to prevent breakloose contamination for partially prefilled syringesA syringe assembly that can prevent solution from entering non-sterile areas of a syringe when a plunger rod is accidentally pulled back for a partially prefilled syringe. The syringe assembly includes a partially pre...
These effects are countered by the use of numerous consumables and activities introduced inBreakpoint. A water canteen can be used to cure any exhaustion and syringes can be used to instantly heal some injuries and recover health. Infinite-use bandages will slowly patch up an injury but players ...
Retaining element to prevent break loose contamination for partially prefilled syringesIncludes a partially pre-filled syringe barrel and a plunger rod that incorporates one or more retention elements on the plunger rod that prevent solution from entering the non-sterile region of the syringe when the...