Python语言 break 语句语法: break 流程图: 实例(Python 2.0+) #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-forletterin'Python':# 第一个实例ifletter=='h':breakprint'当前字母 :',lettervar=10# 第二个实例whilevar>0:print'当前变量值 :',varvar=var-1ifvar==5:# 当变量 var 等于 5 时退出...
Python语言 break 语句语法: break 流程图: 实例(Python 2.0+) #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-forletterin'Python':# 第一个实例ifletter=='h':breakprint'当前字母 :',lettervar=10# 第二个实例whilevar>0:print'当前变量值 :',varvar=var-1ifvar==5:# 当变量 var 等于 5 时退出...
The break statement, like in C, breaks out of the innermost enclosing for or while loop.Python中断语句与C语言类似,打破了最小封闭for或while循环。Loop statements may have an else clause; it is executed when the loop terminates through exhaustion of the list (with for) or when the condition ...
2.while 1number = 232running =True34whilerunning:5guess = int(input('Enter an integer :'))67ifguess ==number:8print('Congratulations, you guessed it.')9running = False#this causes the while loop to stop10elifguess <number:11print('No, it is a little higher than that')12else:13prin...
10. 在Python/compile.c文件中第1700行修改成如下 if(loop!=NULL&&(top->fb_type==WHILE_LOOP||...
The break statement is used to exit a for or a while loop. The purpose of this statement is to end the execution of the loop (for or while) immediately and the program control goes to the statement after the last statement of the loop. If there is an optional else statement in while...
The loop uses break statement to terminate immidiately as soon as character ‘h’ is encounterd in conditional expression of if statement. for s in "python": if s == "h": break print(s) print("Statement after loop body") Program output. p y t Statement after loop body Flowchart of...
for (var a in arr) { arr[a] == arr[0] ? console.log(arr[a]) : break //编译器会报错:SyntaxError: Unexpected token break } 但是如果讲条件运算符改为if, else语句就不会有问题: if (arr[a] == arr[0]) console.log(arr[a]) else break //正确执行 这里的原因是什么呢?查看问题描述...
python3中的with aspython3中的if语句 Python3条件控制if 语句Python中if语句的一般形式如下所示:if condition1: statement1 elif condition2: statement2 else: statement3如果 “condition1” 为 True 将执行 “statement1” 块语句,如果 “condition1” 为False,将判断 “conditio ...
Break in While-Else StructuresThis example demonstrates how break affects the else clause in loops. num = 7 while num > 0: print(num) num -= 1 if num == 3: break else: print("Loop completed normally") print("After loop") # Output: 7 6 5 4 3 After loop ...