Line breaking in bash script Solution 1: Possible ways to clean up 1) Put your sed script into a file sed -f script [file ...] 2) Use Regex shorthand sed 's!A\{30,\}!BBBBB...BBBB!g' Utilize Bash variables to aid in dividing it into smaller parts. regex="AAAA.AAAAAA" replace...
Line 7performs a check using anifstatement. When the variable equals two ("$i" == 2), the program exits thewhileloop using the Bashbreakstatement online 10. In that case, the code jumps toline 16. If the variable is a different number, the script continues as expected online 12. Exec...
/bin/bash ## author:Xiong Xuehao ## Useforinthis script.foriin`seq15`;doecho$idone 脚本中的seq 1 5 表示从1到5的一个序列。你可以直接运行这个命令试下。脚本执行结果为: 通过这个脚本就可以看到for循环的基本结构: for 变量名 in 循环的条件; do command done 循环的条件那一部分也可以写成这样的...
/bin/bash ## author:Xiong Xuehao ## Useforinthis script.foriin`seq15`;doecho$idone 脚本中的seq 1 5 表示从1到5的一个序列。你可以直接运行这个命令试下。脚本执行结果为: 通过这个脚本就可以看到for循环的基本结构: for 变量名 in 循环的条件; do command done 循环的条件那一部分也可以写成这样的...
/bin/bash#***#Author: luotianhao#Mail: 1.0#Date: 2021-03-16#FileName: This is atestscript.#***[ $# -ne 1 ] && { echo $"usage:$0 {break|continue|exit|return}"#<===退出脚本exit 1 } test() { for((i=0;i<=5;...
[root@localhost script]# vim #!/usr/bin/bash for i in {1..10} do if [ $i -eq 7 ];then continue #break #exit 34 else echo $i fi echo "本次输出结束" done echo "脚本结束循环" #可理解为:break是立马跳出循环并退出脚本;continue是跳出当前条件循环,继续下一轮条件循环;exit是...
for循环语法:for 变量名 in 条件 ; do done;案例一:计算1-100所有数字的和。脚本:#!/bin/bashsum=0for i in `seq 1 100`do sum=$[$sum+$i]done echo $sum结果:[root@congji ~]# sh 5050案例二:列出/etc/sy for 循环 while 原创 小新锐 2018-02-08 20:05:55 10000+阅读 lua...
语法:for 变量名 in 条件; do …; done for循环会以空格作为分隔符 案例1 代码语言:javascript 复制 #!/bin/bash sum=0 for i in `seq 1 100` do sum=$[$sum+$i] echo $i done echo $sum 文件列表循环 代码语言:javascript 复制 #!/bin/bash cd /etc/ for a in `ls /etc/` do if [ -...
/bin/bash##***#Author: Sunny#Date: 2017-09-01#FileName: 1.0#Your change info:#Description: For test the functioon of return used in script#Copyright(C): 2017 All rihts reserved#***echoRC1=$RC1echoRC2=$RC2echo\$?=$?os_version=`cat...
In the example shared above, we stopped theforloop when the value ofiwas equal to 5. After executing the above Bash script, you will get the below output: 1234Number 5! We are going to stop here.We are stopped!!! Break Out of theuntilLoop in Bash ...