aFor a price reduction, the total revenue line would become flatter. This would raise the break-even level of output and reduce the margin of safety, At a lower price more canoes would have to be sold to break-even. 为减价,总收支线将变得平。 这将提高产品的收支平衡的标准,并且减少安全范...
gradient of the total cost function. If variable costs fell the total cost function would become flatter. This would lower the break-even level of output and raise the margin of safety. With lower variable costs, fewer canoes need to be sold to break-even. 增量在可变成本将增加总成本作用的...
Break-even analysis,英英释义如下: The analysis that determines the level of output at which a firm's revenues will equal its costs. The point at which a company's income exactly offsets its expenses, neither making nor losing a profit. 请注意,以上只是部分英英释义,仅供参考。
Break-even analysis involves determining the level of output atwhich a firm's revenues will equal its costs at different prices.均衡分析法要确定的是,在不同价格条件下何种产出水平可以使公司的收入等同于它的成本
break- even analysis的作用-回复 Break-even analysis is a widely used tool in business that helps companies evaluate the profitability and risk associated with their operations. By understanding break-even analysis, businesses can determine the minimum levelof sales or output required to cover their ...
Assumptions of Break-Even Analysis Total fixed costs remain constant at all the output levels. All the costs can be considered as either fixed or variable costs. Straight-line cost and revenue behaviour. Throughout the output level, sales price per unit is constant. ...
Break-even Analysis Overview Electric power technologies have electric energy as their single output. If we can describe the cost (in dollars) of producing any quantityQof output (measured in kWh),and if we know the price that the output can sell for, we can ask the question, “What level...
Break-evenAnalysis Determinesatwhatlevelcostandrevenueareinequilibrium Break-evenpoint Obtaineddirectlybymathematicalcalculations Usuallypresentedingraphicformknownasbreak-evenchart DeterminingtheBreak-EvenPoint Eachexpensemustbeanalyzedtodetermineitsfixedandvariableportions Semi-variableexpensesmustbeseparatedintotheirfixed...
Break-even analysis determines the break-even sales. The break-even point represents the level of sales revenue that equals the total of the variable and fixed costs for a given volume of output at a particular capacity use rate. The chapter discusses how the traditional contribution analysis ...
Difference Between Accounting Break-Even Point and Financial Break-Even Point Some of the major differences between the accounting break-even point and the financial break-even point are as follows: The accounting B.EP determines the level of output required to cover all costs, while the financial...