to pay future bills don't confuse making a profit with cash flow. You might be making a profit, but if you run out of cash to pay your bills, your business can't operate you can be making what seems a healthy turnover but in fact making a loss: work out the break-even poi...
On the other hand, C-NHEJ is not only the major DSBR pathway in G0/G1 phase cells, but predominates even in G2 for the repair of a majority of DSBs, except replication fork collapse3,12. It is widely thought that C-NHEJ is also error-prone, because the repair process involves ...
SmallBusinessVictoria:InformationSheet▌Businessessentials:cash-flowforecastandbreak-evenpointThebasics: amongthemostimportantfiguresforyo..
Maybe it’s worse in the United States than in Canada, but I find it interesting how a person can be labelled by the party they belong to, support, or vote for, and an assumption can be made about their general belief system. I’m fascinated by what’s going on in the United States...
Remarkably, a similar, or even stronger, signal was noticed in the position of p12(1–59) whereas no signal was present in the portion of the membrane that contained p12(26–106). These results strongly suggested that the RNA binding properties of p12 could be provided by its N-terminal ...
5a) even from Bleo-treated samples. Furthermore, PARP1- and Lig IIIα-ChIP from mock/Bleo/GO-treated cells, failed to pull down pre-mRNA (Fig. 4a). Control reactions without reverse transcriptase (-RT) ruled out the possibility of genomic DNA contamination in the samples (Supplementary Fig...