to shatter, burst, or become broken; separate into parts or fragments, especially suddenly and violently: The glass broke on the floor. Synonyms:smash,fragment to become suddenly discontinuous or interrupted; stop abruptly: She pulled too hard and the string broke. ...
often used in the phrase break and enter one who breaks and enters a dwelling-house of another W. R. LaFave and A. W. Scott, Jr. b : to escape by force from breaks prison or escapes or flees from justice Colorado Revised Statutes 3 : to cause (a strike) to fail and disconti...
1 : to enter a house or building by force 2 a : to make used to an activity breaking in a new employee b : to overcome the newness or stiffness of breaking in a new pair of shoes Legal Definition break-in 1 of 2 noun ˈbrāk-ˌin : the act or action of brea...
1. break and enter, burst in, enter, gain access The thief had broken in through a first-floor window. 2. interrupt, intervene, interfere, intrude, burst in, interject, butt in, barge in, interpose, put your oar in, put your two cents in (U.S. slang) Suddenly, O'Leary broke in...
2. Break in / into meaning 闯入 Break in means to forcefully enter a place. A break in means a robbery. When you’re breaking into a place you are forcing entry. It is most commonly connected to criminal actions.强行闯入意味着强行进入一个地方。闯入意味着抢劫。当你闯入一个地方时,你是在...
1. break and enter, burst in, enter, gain access The thief had broken in through a first-floor window. 2. interrupt, intervene, interfere, intrude, burst in, interject, butt in, barge in, interpose, put your oar in, put your two cents in (U.S. slang) Suddenly, O'Leary broke in...
One, and again, "break-in" is a noun with the hyphen. 你从监狱里逃跑了。这就是"break out"的意思。“Break in"有几个意思。"break-in"是一个带有连字符的名词。 "To break in" basically means to enter illegally and using force. "To break in"意思就是非法进入和使用武力。 So, if someone...
【常见关于犯罪的短语动词】 Break into Meaning: Enter a building or car by using force, in order to steal something Example: Someone broke into my car and stole the radio. Break out of Meaning: Es...
The break-even point indicates the sales volume at which your revenue exactly matches the costs you have invested. For the period considered, the result is zero, meaning that there is neither profit nor loss. Costs are divided into fixed costs and variable costs. ...
2. Break in / into meaning 闯入 Break in means to forcefully enter a place. A break in means a robbery. When you’re breaking into a place you are forcing entry. It is most commonly connected to criminal actions. 强行闯入意味着强行进入一个地方。闯入意味着抢劫。当你闯入一个地方时,你是...