Example of Continue Statement in C The ‘continue’ statement is used to skip the execution of the remaining code of the current iteration of a loop and move to the next iteration. Here’s an example that describes the use of the ‘continue’ statement: #include <stdio.h> int main() {...
You will get an error if this appears in switch statement. When a break statement is encountered, it terminates the block and gets the control out of the switch or loop. When a continue statement is encountered, it gets the control to the next iteration of the loop. A break causes the...
C++Break and Continue C++ Break You have already seen thebreakstatement used in an earlier chapter of this tutorial. It was used to "jump out" of aswitchstatement. Thebreakstatement can also be used to jump out of aloop. This example jumps out of the loop wheniis equal to 4: ...
首先说明:continue 只能用于循环语句中,而break可用于循环和switch语句,两者都是辅助循环;尽管如此,如果 switch 语句在一个循环中,continue便可作为 switch 语句的一部分;这种情况下,就像在其他循环中一样,continue 让程序跳出循环的剩余部分,包括 switch 语句的其他部分。 一般而言,程序进入循环后,在下一次循环测试之前...
In the above example, numbers are printing after input but as we input-5, loop body terminated and program's control moves to next statement written after the loop body, which willprint"Bye, Bye..." C 'continue' statement Thecontinueis a statement, which is used to move program's contro...
ofif statements: a try statement’selse clauseruns when no exception occurs, and a loop’s else clause runs when no break occurs. For more on the try statement and exceptions, see Handling Exceptions. The continue statement, also borrowed from C, continues with the next iteration of the ...
continue 语句 return 语句 goto 语句 显示另外 2 个 jump 语句无条件转移控制。break语句将终止最接近的封闭迭代语句或switch语句。continue语句启动最接近的封闭迭代语句的新迭代。return语句终止它所在的函数的执行,并将控制权返回给调用方。goto语句将控制权转交给带有标签的语句。
break 语句可终止执行最近的封闭循环或其所在条件语句。 控制权将传递给该语句结束之后的语句(如果有的话)。语法C++ 复制 break; 备注break 语句与条件 switch 语句以及 do、for 和while 循环语句一起使用。在switch 语句中,break 语句将导致程序执行 switch 语句之外的下一语句。 如果没有 break 语句,将执行从...
首先说明:continue只能用于循环语句中,而break可用于循环和switch语句,两者都是辅助循环;尽管如此,如果switch 语句在一个循环中,continue便可作为 switch 语句的一部分;这种情况下,就像在其他循环中一样,continue 让程序跳出循环的剩余部分,包括 switch 语句的其他部分。一般而言,程序进入循环后,在下一次循环测试之前会执...
// continue_statement.cpp #include <stdio.h> int main() int i = 0; do i++; printf_s("在继续之前\n"); continue; printf("在继续之后,不被输出\n"); while (i < 3); printf_s("在do循环之后\n"); 输出: 在继续之前 在继续之前 ...