Brake and break definitions, parts of speech, and pronunciation Brake definition:Brake (noun): A device for slowing or stopping the motion of a vehicle or mechanism. Brake (verb): To operate the brake device, which causes a vehicle or moving part to slow down or stop.Brake parts of speech...
Learn about the difference between break and brake. Understand why brake is a homophone of break and study examples that compare break vs. brake uses.
Here is a short video summarizing the difference between "brake" and "break." video lesson Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer video to text? Here is a list of all our grammar videos.Remembering "Brake" Some vehicles slow down by jamming a spike in the ground. The spike rakes th...
Break out is a verb form, whereas breakout is a noun. To break out can mean to escape from captivity, to have a skin condition or rash, to feel liberated, and many other meanings. Breakout means the same thing, the only difference is that the noun needs a verb in order to function....
Break and Brake: Remembering Which Is Which It can be hard to apply these words correctly: they sound exactly the same, and their spellings aren't easily connected to their meanings. One of the pair, however, is quite limited in scope, and focusing on when to apply that one can be key...
Break out is a verb form, whereas breakout is a noun. To break out can mean to escape from captivity, to have a skin condition or rash, to feel liberated, and many other meanings. Breakout means the same thing, the only difference is that the noun needs a verb in order to function....
the only difference is that the noun needs a verb in order to function. There has been a breakout means that someone escaped prison, or when you have a breakout means you have a rash. In general break out is used in tandem with other nouns, and breakout is used in tandem with various...
,破发球局得分;连击所得的分数;(球的)弧线飞行,曲线飞行;开局;切断(电路);(尤指球员或球队)进攻;逃跑(尤指越狱);(对某人或某团体)有帮助的事物;芽,蓓蕾;换行,换段,换页;(爵士或流行音乐中的)独奏(或器乐演奏)短段;碎拍舞曲(breaks);双轮驱马大车(breaking cart 的原称);<史>敞篷四轮马车(同 brake)...
Break and Brake: Remembering Which Is Which It can be hard to apply these words correctly: they sound exactly the same, and their spellings aren't easily connected to their meanings. One of the pair, however, is quite limited in scope, and focusing on when to apply that one can be key...
Q:Break? Is it brake or brak?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說? A:Brake andBreakare pronounced exactly the same. 查看更多回答 "Break"有關的其他問題 Q:Breakdown the news to someone Breakthe news to someone Are both ok? A:they are both ok but 'break the news' means you just have to tell ...