A producer for CBC's As It Happens called lasl fall, when Lesbian fma es was first published, and per- suaded her that Barbara Brum really took a serious interest in Rule's work and would'conduct a well-informed and civil inte"rWviheewn. Ihe mass media calls, one is expected to ...
32.. CSopnecsiifistceintycyo:fctahuesaasl sfoincdiaintigosna: raecsaiumsielaprraocdruocssesmauslptiepcliefisctruedsiuelst.. 43.. STpemecpifoircaitlyityo:f tthhee caasusoseciparteiocend: easctahueserepsuroltd. uces a specific result. 54.. TBeiomlopgoircaallitgyr:atdhieecnatu: stheepq...
A set of principles to guide the installment of walking-tracks in school playgrounds are recommended. Keywords: children; break times; physical activity; intervention; primary school 1. Introduction For children and young people engaging in their recommended daily physical activity (PA) guidelines of ...
aAsftmeraanlyl etilmemesenatsatrhyecryecaleres aelreemopenentaerdy, cryadclieasl innettwheomrkessthruedctudrisetr(sibpuatninoninngettrweeo)riks.oAbfttaeirneadll teolegmetehnetrawryitchycthleeszaerreoovpaelnueedf,orratdhiealAnMetwaos rikndsticruatcotur.rTe h(sepAanMnicnygcltereber)eiaskobalt...
Result comparisons between the experiment and numerical simulation for a broken dam wFiigthurF0wei.1gi7t5uh.-rmR0e.e17d5s. -ueRmplettsdhcueolpotmtfchopsoomafirplsiabsoroielindsbos.endbs.ebtewtweeenenththeeeexxppeerriimmeennttaannddnnuummereicraicl aslimsiumlautiloantifoonr for a broken a ...