The meaning of BREAD PUDDING is a dish consisting of bread pieces soaked in a mixture of eggs, milk, and usually sugar and spices and then baked. How to use bread pudding in a sentence.
Pudding up with stale breadJolyon Helterman
美[brɛd ˈpʊdɪŋ] 释义 面包布丁 实用场景例句 全部 面包布丁 Bread puddingis one of the most popular kinds of this cake pudding. 面包布丁就是这种蛋糕类布丁中最受欢迎的一种. 期刊摘选 Maybe you can try ourbread pudding.
Define bread pudding. bread pudding synonyms, bread pudding pronunciation, bread pudding translation, English dictionary definition of bread pudding. n. A dessert consisting of dry or stale bread that has been soaked in a mixture of milk, eggs, sugar, va
Bread pudding is a dessert made with slightly stale bread and custard. The no-waste dish is so old, nobody knows quite when or where it originated. People in 13th-century England called it "poor man's pudding" because the cooks who made it couldn't afford to throw any ingredients away...
This collection of Bread Pudding Recipes is encouraging you use the Slow Cooker or the Instant Pot to make bread pudding for your family!
Caramel Bread Pudding Recipe. Delicious and such a easy pudding which taste so yummy. It is one of the best desert you can make with bread.
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yorkshire pudding n.约克郡布丁 pudding house 胃, 肚子 pudding heart n. 懦夫 相似单词 pudding n.[C,U] 布丁 bread n.[U] 1.面包 2.【旧】【俚】钱 3.生计;谋生之道 4.营养;食物 v.[T] 在…上撒面包屑 jack pudding n. 丑角 bread in 磨合 pease pudding 豌豆布丁 pudding wife ...
柿子1/2个,削皮后切小块,法国面包切7-8片,切成方块,开中火,黄油适量,面包煎至两面金黄,砂糖1/2大勺,肉桂粉少许,放在耐热容器。 水50CC,咖啡粉一大勺,确认全部溶化,蛋黄3个,搅拌,砂糖20克,搅拌到变淡黄色,浓缩咖啡液,朗姆酒少许,等到小滚,转小火,把钢盘放上去,预防过度加热,偶尔让锅内的水蒸气出来,加热...