I’ll blame it on Covid and the cabin fever that was going on back then. Your bread will be better if you make the sponge the night before. However, you may not care about having the “best” so it’s OK to skip it. I always make the sponge because it is hardly any trouble–...
Broccoli Cheddar Soup, and Citrus Asian Crunch Salad with Chicken. The Panera Bread menu showcases popular bakery items such as Orange Scones, Kitchen Sink Cookies, and the Chocolate Croissants. Sandwiches at the Panera Bread near me cost $8 to $12, while bakery items cost $1.99 to $5.00....
That to me is a sign that The Daily Bread is well loved and frequently despite COVID. It helps that their indoor tables are roomy and they have outdoor seating. All around an excellent experience! Read more Written May 16, 2021 This review is the subjective opinion of a...
lunch is provided for the students. What I do is bake a batch of each of the breads being taught (this class also includes a Vort Limpa and Eric’s Fave Rye) in advance. This lets me give the students a visual of the finished breads and plenty of material for lunch-time sandwiches....
With me out of the picture, it seemed unlikely we’d be able to open for business as normal but rather be limited to one or two days instead of our usual four-day week. All this was contingent on my condition. Sunday I felt fine but took a rapid Covid test anyway. It came out ...
Hiatus… While we hadn’t planned on taking such a long time off from writing, we’ve been unlucky in Internets for the past few weeks. And tonight we board our transatlantic cruise for home*, so we won’t have access to the internet again until we get back on November 12. ...
Best baguette I’ve ever eaten, and I never would have guessed it’s gluten free. If you’re in the Denver, CO area, you must check out their bakery and grab a baguette! They also make rolls and bread. Certified gluten free
I usually go to my local Panera once every couple of weeks to get a breakfast sandwich on a bagel. Service is adjusted due to Covid requirements so outside seating only. The food is typically decent although a bit pricey. However, today (March 21) was not a good experience. I order...
I roasted my first turkey 2 years ago — followed a co-worker’s advice to slip bacon underneath the skin and roast the bird upside down. It worked! The most moist, flavorful bird I’ve had to date…maybe not the prettiest, but who cares! I’m off to try this chicken asap. ...
If it’s not already obvious from the pro-Bread-and-Circus slant of this post, I really like this place. One semi-grumble though – while most of the menu seems quite reasonable (especially the $4 drinking coconut), some of the pricing seems a little mystifying. $13, for instance, is...