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switch游戏《面包和年糕(Bread & Fred)》是一款合作平台冒险游戏,讲述了两位好朋友——面团小子“Bread”和面粉精灵“Fred”的欢乐烘焙之旅。 在这个新的合作挑战中,你可以抓住你最好的伙伴寻求帮助,帮助两只可爱的企鹅面包和弗雷德登上白雪皑皑的山顶。Bread & Fred 是一款来自 Apogee 的具有挑战性的合作平台游戏,...
Bread & Fred [Video Game Link] Team up with your best friend for a new co-op challenge, guiding two adorable penguins, Bread and Fred, to the top of the snowy summit. Time your jumps, cling to walls, and swing across gaps to see how far you can go before tumbling back down the ...
下载地址 PCGAME-Bread.and.Fred-P2P.torrent 网盘分流 https://pan.quark.cn/s/083545ef231f ...
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Bread & Fred: Directed by Guillem Romero. Help two adorable penguins, Bread and Fred, reach the top of the snowy summit. Time your jumps, cling to walls and swing across gaps to see how far you can make it before you tumble all the way back down the moun
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I Am Bread, free and safe download. I Am Bread latest version: Don't just eat bread, be bread. I Am Bread is from the makers of Surgeon Simulator and