Define Prison breach. Prison breach synonyms, Prison breach pronunciation, Prison breach translation, English dictionary definition of Prison breach. See Note under 3d Escape, n., 4. See also: Prison Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 191
safety of the victim; if “more lenient means” are applied, a swift information exchange between all agencies should be guaranteed; detention should be imposed immediately in the event that the more lenient measureisbreached;andabreachofcivil law protection orders should be made a criminal offence...
In this episode of Breach, hosts Bob Sullivan and Alia Tavakolian investigate the series of events, missteps and executive decisions that led to Yahoo's fall from grace and the exposure of three billion private user accounts. Yahoo gained notoriety by making the internet searchable and useful to...
The king now embarked on the series of matrimonial adventures that made him appear both a monster and a laughingstock. He soon tired of Anne, who failed to produce a male heir; in 1536 she was executed, with other members of the court, forallegedtreasonable adultery.Catherine of Aragon, ...