breach通常被翻译为“违约”或“违反”,在法律英语中较为常用。学习该词的关键在于掌握由该词所组成的短语。There are several options available to the court in cases of breach of contract. The preferred remedy is damages. Specific performance is exceptional and ordered only when an award of damages wo...
These penalties depend on contract terms, state laws, and the severity of the breach. Common civil penalties include: Fines and monetary damages: Courts may impose fines or require restitution to compensate the non-breaching party. Court-ordered performance: In some cases, the court may enforce ...
contract, the other party is entitled to treat himself as discharged; but if it does not go to the root, he is not. In my opinion, the principle embodied in these cases applies to contracts for the sale of goods just as to all other contracts. The task of the court can be stat...
There are several options available to the court in cases of breach of contract. The preferred ...
Material breaches can also be called total breaches and can result in the injured party (the party that did not commit the breach) either terminating the contract or seeking damages through a lawsuit. When deciding on the level of a breach of contract, the court will use the Restatement (...
When Do You Need a Breach of Contract Lawyer? How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Breach of Contract Lawyer in the U.S.? What to Look For in a Breach of Contract Lawyer How to Prepare for Your Consultation With a Breach of Contract Lawyer Where to Find the Best Breach of Contract ...
The article examines the decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada on two court cases which considered exemplary and mental distress damages resulting from breach of contract. Accordingly, these decisions were reflected to the century-old case of Addis versus Gramophone Co. Ltd. which caused the ...
to court claiming that there has been a breach of contract, must first establish that a contract existed between the parties. The plaintiff also must demonstrate how the defendant—the one against whom a claim or charge is brought in a court—failed to meet the requirements of the contract. ...
contract violation 合同违约 privilege violation 特权扰乱 flagrant violation 公然侵犯;重大违反 Infraction,an act of breaking a rule or law 犯规;违法,侧重指违反规定或者地方的法令法规。在违反法律上,violation比infraction更为严重。infraction of school rules 违反校规 minor Infraction ...
LegalRemedies(Damages)-LimitationonrecoveryofDamagesincontractCases 1apartycanrecoverdamagesonlyforthoselossesthathecanprovewithreasonablecertainty.2Abreachingpartyisresponsibleforpayingonlythoselossesthatwereforeseeabletohimatthetimeofcontracting.3Plaintiffsinjuredbyabreachofcontracthavethedutytomitigate(avoidorminimize)...