Women who carry pathogenic mutations inBRCA1orBRCA2have markedly increased risks of developing breast cancer. The distributions of breast cancer tumor characteristics differ betweenBRCA1mutation carriers,BRCA2mutation carriers and those arising in the general population. The majority of breast tumors arisin...
Cases were defined as participants having any of the ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes for personal history of HBOC-related cancers (Additional file1: Table S1). Controls were defined as individuals without any of these ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes. We tested for association with variant-positive compared wit...
The lifetime risk for breast and ovarian cancer rises dramatically for BRCA mutation germline carriers compared to the general population (Figure 1). The overall risk varies by family history, type and location of the mutation, age at diagnosis, parity (number of term pregnancies), environmental ...