1. Liming Su, et al. Contralateral breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers in a large cohort of unselected Chinese breast cancer patients. Int. J. Cancer, 2020, 146: 3335-3342. 2. Yadav S,Hu C,Hart SN,et al.Evalu...
另外,Nature还同期配发了题为《Thousands of short cuts to genetic testing》的评述文章,积极评述了这篇文章,并称这项工作让研究人员意识到精准医学的前景。 中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会发布的《中国抗癌协会乳腺癌诊治指南与规范》中,明确推荐乳腺癌高危人群进行遗传性BRCA1/2基因检测。阅微基因遗传性乳腺癌/卵巢...
Genetic testing for the BRCA1 gene is available commercially and clinically. The information gained from this test impacts not only on the individual tested, but on family members as well. The test can offer an individual and their family the opportunity to gain valuable information about their ...
ARTICLE Timing of BRCA1/BRCA2 genetic testing in women with ovarian cancer Molly S. Daniels, MS1, Diana L. Urbauer, MS2, Jennifer L. Stanley, BS1, Kristin G. Johnson, BSN3, and Karen H. Lu, MD1 Purpose: To determine when, in reference to the course of their treatment, women with...
Also Known As: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing, BRCA1/2 Testing, Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes 1 & 2 Testing, Germline BRCA Testing Board Approved Test Quick Guide BRCAgene mutation testing shows whether you have inherited mutations, also called variants, in yourBRCA1orBRCA2genes. It is performed...
may have other mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, or other cancer-related gene mutations that are not detected by this test. For this reason, a negative test result could still mean that a person has an increased risk of cancer due to gene mutations. Additionally, most cases of cancer ar...
[关键词]专家共识;BRCA1;BRCA2;同源重组;突变筛查;二代测序;胚系突变 [Abstract]Germline mutations inBRCAgenes (includingBRCA1/2) are the major risk factors for hereditary tumors including breast and ovarian cancer. Population ...
Complicating factors such as the possibility of dealing with more than one mutation within one kindred, skipped generations (as daughters of healthy elderly women in these families, are not offered follow-up, having a low probability of being gene carriers), need to be considered. We present a...
Know Your #MomGenes: My BRCA Gene Testing Story I’ve just undergone my 7th surgery in 9 months. My body has had it, and I’m thinking about how this cancer could’ve been prevented if I had known I was #brca1 positive before. ...