Radio and television broadcasting are mostly by private stations. B. I. BARMIN The literature of the Brazilian people developed in Portuguese. The first literary monuments were created in the colonial period (16th and 17th centuries): treatises and letters by the Jesuit missionary José de ...
Pippa Vos is an international Voice Over Artist/Talent - fluent in English, Brazilian Portuguese. The website provides info on the Voice Over Artist and Industry.
Suav is a stylized writing of "suave," the Brazilian Portuguese word for "smooth." Indeed, Anna Suav's voice can be quite soothing, with words that caress the listeners' ears through her R&B-laced hip-hop. But Anna can also play the warrior, a fierce bar-spitter who proudly shouts ...
Bacro巴可医疗显示器MDMX-25500GNNB用户指南(语言BrazilianPortuguese)用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 MDMX-MNA ConsolenaparedeparaaSOdigital Guiadousuário MDMX-22400 MDMX-25500 MDMX-22449 ENABLINGBRIGHTOUTCOMES BarcoVisual(Beijing)ElectronicsCo.,Ltd.SuzhouBranch,巴可伟视(北京)电子有限公司苏州分公司 ...
1848 UTC-Different man talking in Portuguese, slight het from a very weak station 1851 UTC-Still the same guy talking 1850 UTC-Strong carrier on 7610 kHz 1852 UTC-Brief talk from the station on 7610 kHz, roger beep then off 1854 UTC-Strong station briefly on 7600 AM a few times over ...
2152 UTC-Now a QSO in Portuguese, might be talking about the music 2156 UTC-About 10 seconds of the same kind of music 2156 UTC-QSO again 2158 UTC-Don't You Want Me by The Human League (played for about a minute) 2159 UTC-QSO again, mentions of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin ...
Learn about the Brazilian National Standards Organization (ABNT), responsible for technical standards in Brazil and its international affiliations.
FalaBrasil developed its in-company Portuguese courses to support expatriates and companies in the process of integrating themselves and employees into the language and culture. These are offered both in-person and online. ONLINE CLASS IN ANY LOCATION IN ANY TIMEZONE Fala Brasil School has developed...
Paraty was built by Portuguese settlers four hundred or so years ago with streets deliberately below sea level. The streets are dipped and cobbled. The buildings are low and the highest things are the palm trees in the rich gardens and the public squares. With full moons, the tide floods in...
Razer雷蛇雷蛇堡垒神蛛RZ84-01330用户指南(Portuguese-Brazilian)说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 Osegredoparaganharsempreéterumarsenaldecontrolesmaisimpressionante queodeseusadversários.ORazerTurretcolocaapotênciadosperiféricospara ...