Moneycorp can help you exchange currency and transfer money internationally. We use our currency exchange expertise in both the US and Brazil to help you transfer your Brazilian Reais at the best time to get the best exchange rates. Whether you are buying or selling property, emigrating, receivin...
1 巴西雷亚尔(BRL) = 0.17377850674537 美元(USD) 2025-02-26 03:30:28 1 巴西雷亚尔(BRL) = 7.4227152547688 乌拉圭比索 (UYU) 2025-02-26 03:30:28 1 巴西雷亚尔(BRL) = 2242.0126467449 乌兹别克斯坦苏姆 (UZS) 2025-02-26 03:30:28 1 巴西雷亚尔(BRL) = 1101886.9297171 委内瑞拉博利瓦 (VEF) 2025-...
Recrusul S/A(BOVESPA:RCSL3) added to Brazil Industrial Sector IndexJan. 05CI Dexco S.A.(BOVESPA:DXCO3) dropped from Brazil IBRX IndexJan. 02CI More news Quotes 5-day view DatePriceChangeVolume 25-02-28122,799.09PTS-1.60%998,872,100 ...
hospitalization nature (emergency or elective); complexity of services provided (medium and high); ICU admission; and total hospital expenses, categorized in relation to the median value (up to the median and above the median), with conversion from Brazilian reais to US dollars, as shown in Tab...
Recrusul S/A(BOVESPA:RCSL3) added to Brazil Industrial Sector IndexJan. 05CI Dexco S.A.(BOVESPA:DXCO3) dropped from Brazil IBRX IndexJan. 02CI Automob Participacoes S.A.(UNQ:) added to Brazil Valor BM&FBOVESPA IndexDec. 15CI
巴西雷亚尔的英文翻译,巴西雷亚尔用英语怎么说,怎么读读音: / bā xī léi yà ěr / 巴西雷亚尔的英文翻译 Reais BRL Brazilian real Brazil Real 巴西雷亚尔汉英翻译 Brazilian real 巴西雷亚尔(巴西货币); 词组短语 巴西的巴西雷亚尔 Brazil Real 美元巴西雷亚尔 USDBRL ...
In 2023, Brazil's ICT industry raked in 708 billion reais (USD142 billion), marking a 5.9% real-term growth from 2022. Breaking down the figures, the IT segment led the charge, contributing 422 billion reais, encompassing software, cloud services, hardware, and digital technologies. On the ...
BGN to EUR MXN to EUR JPY to EUR ZAR to EUR Other popular conversions USD to RON USD to TRY USD to PHP GBP to USD Convert Euros to Brazilian Reais with Revolut Whether you're converting money into different currencies, transferring between countries, or spending like a local ...
To transfer funds via Revolut to your Revolut Global Account, you must first deposit funds in Brazilian Reais into your Revolut Local Account, which is an Ebury account held in the name of Revolut Brasil ("Revolut Ebury Account"). Second, upon your request to execute a Foreign Exchange ...
However, it remained the third worst primary result for the period since 1997. According to the National Treasury, the government's net income amounted to 599.6 billion reais (161.54 billion dollars), up 6.3 percent from the same period last year.X On the other hand, total expenditures rose ...