P441441. 150 Most Common Phrases in Portuguese 27:57 P442442. 11 Tips to Increase Your Portuguese Vocabulary 04:59 P443443. All The Portuguese You Need for Your First 24 Hours in Brazil 48:22 P444444. Portuguese Absolute Beginner Reading Practice - Searching for a Bus Service 01:10 P44...
Common as it is, most North Americans have never questioned the definitional system which makes possible the discussion in the first place. The "black" and "white" North American conflict groups are so defined based on the "hypodescent" rule (a term invented by two US anthropologists, Marvin ...
Generally because the poor and uneducated Irish competed for the same low wage jobs as the African-Americans. But the 'whites' still had such low contempt for the Irish that, even today, the police vans are called PADDY WAGONS, 'paddy' being a derogative applied to the Irish. The ...
considered to be Collectivist societies as compared to Individualist cultures. This is manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member 'group', be that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal ...
CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts. - kellyjonbrazil/jc
According to the most-recent edition of Economic Freedom of the World, Brazil is only ranked #120, which is lower than nations such as Greece, Haiti, and China. Brazil gets a horrible grade on regulation, and it’s also in the bottom half of all nations when looking at fiscal policy, ...
Industrial activity in Brazil is concentrated in the Southeast, with about half of the nation's industrial production in the state of São Paulo alone. Here, too, most of the country's unionized industrial jobs are found. For this reason, after the 1970s, migration from the Northeast to ...
A survey of industrial workers in Brazil shows that following job loss in the early 1980s, resorting to the informal sector was more common for women than men, and less likely for the skilled than the unskilled. Unemployment and a return to industrial employment were most common experiences ...
“live coals”). Sugarcane began to dominate the colonial economy in the second half of the 16th century, giving rise to a scattering of urban centres, among whichOlindaand Salvador were the most important. By that time the coastal Indian populations had been decimated, and slaves from Africa...
Low rural incomes, limited landownership, and variable climatic conditions have continued to drive migration in Brazil; in addition, large-scale commercial agriculture in the South and Southeast has limited the number of jobs available to unskilled rural labourers, causing whole families of poor serta...