Brazil’s overall freedom ranking online declined in 2020, with Freedom House bestowing a Freedom on the Net 2020“Partly Free” rating of 63/100 (0 = least free, while 100 = most free). Popular social networks like Twitter and Facebook continue to be freely available in Brazil. However,...
Between the time of the organization of the Petrobras state oil company (1953) and 1968, the extraction of oil increased by a factor of several score; nonetheless, only 40 percent of the country’s needs are covered. The dynamics of the extraction of minerals are indicated in Table 3. ...
Most casino card games are based on the idea of accumulating cards to make combinations. These combinations are then compared to the dealer’s to see who has the highest number of points. The player with the highest score wins. These games can be played in a variety of ways, including at...
Value for money score 9.5 out of 10 and is a high score in Sao Lourenco (Minas Gerais) Value for money9.5 High score for Sao Lourenco (Minas Gerais) Rating 9+ Exceptional (3) 8-9 Excellent (0) 7-8 Very Good (0) 6-7 Good (0) <6 Below Expectation (0) Guest Type Room Type Se...
Between the time of the organization of the Petrobras state oil company (1953) and 1968, the extraction of oil increased by a factor of several score; nonetheless, only 40 percent of the country’s needs are covered. The dynamics of the extraction of minerals are indicated in Table 3. ...
We (myself and friends) have free english classes, teach web site development, are beginning to assist groups that are trying to help the disadvantaged score higher on the vestibular and recently are beginning to sponsor the tuition to the Faculdade for women in Rondonia. (this is a new effo...
The mean total raw score of the CAOS scale was 4.27 (SD = 3.05). Factor extraction The Hull-CFI method (Lorenzo-Seva et al., 2011) indicated the extraction of one factor as appropriate (CFI = 0.91; degree of freedom = 90, scree test value = 21.100). The factor ...
Service score 6.9 out of 10 and is a high score in Goiania Service6.9 Value for money score 7.3 out of 10 and is a high score in Goiania Value for money7.3 High score for Goiania Rating 9+ Exceptional (6) 8-9 Excellent (2) 7-8 Very Good (4) 6-7 Good (1) <6 Below Expectatio...
Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) proposed using the probability of being treated given observed characteristics based on vector variables to compute the propensity score. Propensity score matching (PSM) in the current study refers to the calculated probability of being self-employed given the matching variabl...
Empty CellPrecisionF1-scorePrecisionF1-score fastText - 50 attributes Logistic Regression 0.73 0.81 0.65 0.44 Random Forest 0.75 0.83 0.73 0.51 Linear SVM 0.72 0.81 0.66 0.41 fastText - 300 attributes Logistic Regression 0.79 0.84 0.73 0.60 Random Forest 0.76 0.84 0.77 0.54 Linear SVM 0.78 0.84 0.7...